Miami, FL Pre-Algebra Tutoring
Serving All Students Across the Miami-Dade Area
Pre-Algebra is essential to setting students up for success as they enter high school courses such as Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. Algebra is foundational for all mathematics courses in high school as math is a subject that continues to build upon itself year after year. Miss G Tutors has worked with students of all levels and can target any learning gaps or can push students’ knowledge to the next level by introducing challenging yet relevant material. As a teacher who has taught pre-algebra, algebra 1, and algebra 2, Ms. Gurgan is well-versed in the vertical alignment of these courses.
Best Miami Pre-Algebra Tutor
Miss G is a Curriculum Support Specialist for Miami Dade County Public Schools. This position allows her to work with different schools across the county and focus on algebra 1 and geometry. Having taught pre-algebra, algebra 1, and algebra 2 for many years to many different levels of students with great success, she has seen tremendous results.
When Working With Miss G as Your Local Pre-Algebra Tutor in Miami:
- You gain a reliable tutor who cares about her students
- You will have a pre-algebra tutor that your child will enjoy working with
- You can choose Zoom or in-person tutoring at your convenience
- Your child can count on me to be there for tutoring sessions prior to important tests or quizzes. I won’t let your child down!
Get Started with Pre-Algebra Tutoring Today:
If you are ready to start seeing results that will build your child’s confidence in math, contact Miss G today!